2PM · Saturday, March 22
Frick Fine Arts 125


about the good news

The Good News is a theatrical production by college students from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University.

Three friends grapple with the question of how fallen humanity is being pulled into redemption by a loving God. Join us as we unpack the gospel — what Christians refer to as the good news — through bite-sized vignettes.

This production is brought to you by students from Pitt Acts2Fellowship, CMU Acts2Fellowship, and Fellowship of International & Graduate Students.

  • We are a group of college and grad students from River College Church who encountered Jesus and saw the eternity-altering spiritual realities of Christianity. We aren’t professionals, but in fact many of the actors and background crew you’ll see have had minimal to almost no theater experience!

  • It is more than just a nice story, we believe the Gospel has personal relevance for each person who encounters it. Stories like these must be shared, and so came THE GOOD NEWS: creating a space for people to be captivated by a story of redemption, forgiveness, and living after the life of Jesus in the modern day.

  • Free admission! Pre-register for your tickets, or come at opening night!

  • The entire program will be around 1.5 hours.

event details & faqs

We hope to see you there!

spread the good news!

We hope to see you there! • spread the good news! •